Drama Scholars Collaborate With Clarendon To Raise Money For Charity
On Friday, nine of Kingswood's Drama Scholars took part a joint performance of the play 'Brainstorm' together with the Year 9 Drama students from Clarendon School in Trowbridge.
The play explored the intricacies of the adolescent mind and attempts to explain how teenagers' brains are not simply undeveloped or 'broken' adult ones. The play consisted of scripted dialogue which was performed alongside improvisation. This meant that the students had to reveal information about themselves and their family life.
The finished piece was funny, moving and revealing in equal measure. This was the first time Kingswood have collaborated with another school in this way but, hopefully, it won't be the last.
The play helped raise money for Young Minds, a charity that support the mental health and wellbeing of young people.