
Year 7 and 8 Boarding

Our Junior boarders (Year 7 and 8) live in Beaconfield House, a homely, cosy house of up to 30 boarders. Under the care of Mr and Mrs Newbould, the House Parents and Miss Beconsall, the Assistant House parent, Beaconfield provides the ideal start to boarding life at Kingswood. The house team is completed with hand picked tutors and our wonderful Year 12 prefects on hand to provide further support.


During the day, boarders and day pupils are together in Westwood House and in lessons.  Once the school day ends at 5.30, boarders return to Beaconfield. Newly refurbished, with its own garden, common rooms, prep area and kitchen and just a 3 minute walk from Main school, Beaconsfield  provides the perfect location to relax and recharge after their busy days. Dorms, or bedrooms, are small, with a maximum of five pupils in each, big enough to encourage new friendships to form but small enough to feel like home.  Each pupil has their own bed, wardrobe and storage and are encouraged to decorate their space. Our girl and boy boarders are on different floors, with their own bathrooms, and we carefully manage the house to be a private area just for boarders so they really feel at home.

At weekends, our activity programme is varied, from Friday night house games, to using the wider school facilities (with swimming, tennis and other sports), visiting Bath or taking part in trips to see sports matches, hike, trampolining, rafting, zorbing and so much more.

Although the majority of our Lower School boarders are full boarders (staying at school over the weekend), there are a small number of weekly boarders, and flexi-boarding, where pupils stay at school up to 3 nights a week is available for pupils in Year 7 and 8.  For many pupils this is an excellent stepping stone on to boarding in later years, a chance to develop some independence and a great help with family logistics or to enable pupils to join evening activities or to benefit from supper and supervised prep at school before returning home.


Our Boarders' Day

Our boarders have a busy day: an example of this is below and please do take a look at our Beaconfield House Handbook  for more detailed information.