Reporting Absences
School Life
We understand that there are some days where you child will need to be absent from School. Please follow the guidelines on informing us below for each site:
Prep School
To report a child absent due to sickness, please email [email protected] and copy in your child's form teacher, or call the office on 01225 734460, before 8.45am.
For term-time absence requests, these must be approved in advance by the Headmaster, Mr Mark Brearey - please email your request c/o [email protected].
Senior School
To report a child absent due to sickness, please email [email protected] and copy in your child’s tutor before 9.00am on the day. If an absence is extended, please contact the School each day. For medical and other appointments in advance, please also use the same email address.
For term-time absence requests, these must be approved in advance by the Deputy Head, Mr Mat Chataway - please email your request c/o [email protected]