
Support Kingswood

Principal's Welcome

When John Wesley was interviewed at a conference in Bristol in 1748 about his vision for Kingswood and his philosophy about education, he said he wanted to “train up children…in every brand of useful learning till they are fit as to all acquired qualifications for the work of the ministry”.  In his own ministry, he worked so that people could be happy, to be virtuous and to be useful to others.

The culture that Wesley set about creating in 1748 echoes down the centuries, to what we do today. The Kingswood Vision calls for us to transform lives through the power of a holistic education where children grow in mind, body and spirit within a diverse and inclusive community. Our aim is for our pupils to be well educated, happy and of good moral character. We will have guided them in every branch of useful learning, to support them to acquire the qualifications and as importantly the personal qualities and habits of mind to prepare them to lead meaningful lives, whether in their relationships with others, in the workplace and in the community, as they seek to use their talents to serve others. 

As we celebrate the 275 Anniversary of Kingswood, the focus of our 275 Campaign will be to enrich the Kingswood Sixth Form experience, while offering transformational opportunities to pupils who can pay full, partial or no school fees at all. Our experience is that the transforming power of a Kingswood Education can be enjoyed by pupils regardless of when they join the school. 

Mr Andrew Gordon-Brown, Headmaster of Kingswood School and Principal of the Foundation.

In marking our 275 Anniversary in 2023, we ask for your help to raise £2.75 million to fund our three priority projects. To find out more please contact Graham Papenfus, Development Director +441225 734399 or click to 

Ways to Give

All gifts to Kingswood School, no matter how large or small, are hugely appreciated and will be directed to the area of the school you might be interested in supporting.

Please note that if you are a UK taxpayer then Kingswood can claim back Gift Aid on top of your gift, at no extra cost to you. If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can claim the difference between the higher rate of tax you pay and the base rate on the total gross value of your gift (a 40% taxpayer gifting £100 will be increased to £125 by adding gift aid and ‘cost’ you £75 (£100 less [£125 x 20%]).

Gifts can be made by either:

  • BACS transfer to KST Foundation Account, sort code 20 05 38 and account number 90798320.
  • By a cheque made out to the KST Foundation Account and posted to Graham Papenfus, Development Director, Kingswood School, Lansdown, Bath, BA1 5RG.
  • By making an online payment through our website.
  • For regular gifts, please contact Graham Papenfus on either 01225 734399 or [email protected] for details of how to set this up.
  • By including Kingswood School in your Will through a legacy gift. Even the smallest pledge makes a real impact that will extend beyond your lifetime. We also offer an option for members of the Kingswood community to reflect their affection for the school at a level that is not possible during their lifetimes. The 1748 Society was established to acknowledge and thank everyone who has made the decision to include Kingswood School in their will. Events organised by the 1748 Society include an annual lunch as well as other special occasions during the year. We are extremely grateful to the many members of the Kingswood School community who have already joined the society by remembering the school in their will. A legacy gift is currently exempt from inheritance tax; it also has the potential to reduce the tax burden on your family while maximising the benefit of the gift to the school. As a registered charity, Kingswood School pays no tax on gifts it receives. To find out more about Legacy gifts, click here: Leaflet


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