
Drama and Theatre


The exuberant and thriving Drama department at Kingswood School offers pupils of all ages the opportunity to develop a passion for the theatre while also developing the soft skills necessary for all walks of life. Drama is taught as a discrete subject to all year groups and is a popular option at GCSE level and for A-Level.

The department also offers plenty of opportunities to take part in extra-curricular productions, workshops and trips. We regularly take pupils to local theatres and run regular trips to London and New York. We also receive professional theatre companies as visitors, and they both perform and run workshops for students on a wide variety of theatrical styles and topics.

Click here to see highlights from our most recent production 'Little Shop of Horrors'.

The department consists of two full-time and one part-time fully qualified Drama teachers. We also employ a Drama Assistant (typically a theatre graduate) each year and are further supported by a full-time Theatre and Technical Manager.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, pupils receive two lessons a week. Through the practical study of Drama, we aim to help all pupils develop confidence, independence, organisational skills, resilience, empathy, communication skills and collaboration skills – to name but a few abilities!


Drama is a popular choice at both GCSE and A-Level and students achieve high standards in both the written and practical elements of the course. Throughout the year, students perform both devised and scripted assessments in either the 366-seat theatre at Kingswood School or the fully equipped 'black box' drama studio. Those more interested in the design aspects of theatre can choose to be assessed in lighting, sound, set, costume/make up, puppetry or – for A-Level – directing rather than acting. 

The department runs a large number of trips and workshops – local and more further afield to London and New York – to help students develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the subject. After A-Level, students have gone on to study a wide range subjects at the university or Drama school of their choice.

Theatre Hire

During term time the Theatre has a busy programme of School events; however, outside of term time the Theatre is available for hire at competitive prices. 

For more information about hiring the Theatre, click the button below. 

Kingswood Theatre Hire