
Pastoral Care

We are absolutely blessed here at Kingswood Prep School with amazing facilities, an abundance of outdoor space and spectacular views over the city of Bath. It is not, however, just the buildings and grounds that make us so special – it is the true sense of community that permeates through every aspect of School life; a sense of community that is built on strong relationships, a celebration of each and every member’s individuality and uniqueness and our School rule, “Be Kind, Be Kind, Be Kind”.

Wellbeing is at the forefront of everything we do at KPS. We know that happy children learn better and can thrive. Our outstanding teachers provide day to day pastoral care and manage, in the first instance, any worries that you or your child may have. Each child is, however, able to talk to a variety of staff – Learning Assistants, Class Teacher, Phase Leader, Deputy Head Pastoral, the Chaplain and for those more tricky times, the School Counsellor. Every adult at KPS takes responsibility for knowing your child individually and for understanding how they learn, what makes them happy and how to support their development and wellbeing. It is through these relationships, that your child’s personality, friendships, passions and interests are developed, nurtured and celebrated. The strength of these relationships is clear when you walk through our corridors. The laughter, friendship and ‘buzz’ is commented on by every visitor to the School and is truly unique to KPS. 

We recognise that the academic curriculum and pastoral care go hand in hand and our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) provides opportunities for children to understand the world around them, to learn about the important role they have to play, a sense of responsibility for the community and a true understanding of what makes them unique so that they can develop confidence, resilience and a secure set of moral values. These values are based on the words of our founder, John Wesley: “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” 

At KPS, all staff are committed to the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils and we recognise that each individual child’s journey through school is different. Our motivated staff and excellent staff / pupil ratio allows staff to create the conditions to produce happy and effective learners. Form tutors use our personalised pastoral tracking systems that ensure we capture those times when extra support is needed. In Years 3 to 6, we use AS Tracking (Affective Social Tracking) which is a breakthrough adolescent mental health tracking tool that enables schools to identify pupils' hidden risks early. Evidence shows AS Tracking improves whole school and individual pupil wellbeing by equipping teachers with in-school, targeted action plans to reduce pupil mental health and wellbeing risks. Our Chaplain, Rev. Katy Thomas is available for all the Kingswood community to speak with and in addition, in Year 6, pupils have a Wellbeing Mentor who provides individual support and guidance during this important transitional year. This is often commented on by the pupils as being one the best aspects of Year 6. Our Experience and Enrichment Programme also provides a wide range of opportunities for pupils to focus on their Wellbeing and Mental health and we include clubs such as Mindfulness, yoga, gardening and rest and relaxation into our programme. 

Our aim is that our pupils leave KPS happy and confident, with a secure sense of self, amazing memories, and lifelong interests so that they can thrive in the next stage of their education and make a positive contribution to the community and wider world.