Economics (A-Level Only)
What exactly is a credit crunch? Why do footballers earn so much more than the rest of us? Which country will be the world's leading economy in ten years' time? How does economics affect each one of us, every day? Why isn't austerity working – or is it? Is the economy running out of control?
Studying A-Level Economics encourages pupils to be inquisitive and constructive while unravelling their potential in a very dynamic environment. Since pupils now have a greater exposure to current affairs, they want to explore wider themes, of which the questions above are just a reflection.
As a result, A-Level Economics continues to be a popular choice for many pupils entering our Sixth Form. The department has a wealth of experience and resources to develop our students' abilities and maximise their chances of success in external examinations. We also offer excursions, in the UK and overseas, as well as the opportunity to attend lectures and competitions. Through doing so, our students benefit from an enriched, well-rounded learning experience.