Prep Pupils Get To Know The New Headmaster With A Q&A

Kingswood Prep School pupils get to know the new Headmaster and Principal of the Foundation, Mr Andrew Gordon-Brown, with answers to those all-important questions.
Q.1. Favourite Food
AGB: A really good BBQ
Q2. Do you have a pet?
AGB: Two lovely dogs and a budgie
Q.3. Favourite holiday destination
AGB: Visiting family and friends in South Africa
Q.4. Do you have any children?
AGB: Two wonderful daughters and one equally wonderful son
Q.5. Favourite Book
AGB: Other than the Bible, probably an Atlas
Q.6. Starter or Pudding?
AGB: Pudding
Q.7. Favourite Cheese
AGB: Gorgonzola
Q.8. Favourite Subject at school
AGB: Maths
Q.9. If you weren’t a Head or Teacher, what would you be?
AGB: A doctor
Q.10. Favourite Sport
AGB: Silly question.........rowing of course
Q.11. Do you support Liverpool, like Mr Brearey?
AGB: Naturally! My paternal grandfather was born in Liverpool
Q.12. Favourite Drink
AGB: Red wine
Q.13. The trait you most look for in people?
AGB: Empathy
Q.14. What was your first month at Kingswood like?
AGB: Happy, energising, challenging, interesting
Q.15. Favourite place to think?
AGB:Somewhere up a mountain
Q.16. Tea or Coffee?
AGB: Both. Fresh coffee or Rooibos tea
Q.17. Theatre or Cinema?
AGB: Cinema
Q.18. Did you always want to be a Head?
AGB: I might have. It’s just that it took me about 35 years to figure it out.
Q.19. What do you do to relax?
AGB: I hang out with Harriet and my children, I do lots of exercise, I listen to music
Q.20. Favourite Colour
AGB: If you look at the ties in my wardrobe, definitely blue
Q.21. What 3 things would you take to a desert island?
AGB: A rowing boat, a wine making kit, a guitar
Q.22. I am going to be in Year 7 next year and I am quite nervous – what advice do you have?
AGB: Come and knock on my door so we can have a chat. You will love the senior school because it’s a very friendly place
Q.23. What are your ambitions for the school?
AGB: For all our pupils to be happy and to find and fulfil their talents
Q.24. How do you like your eggs?
AGB: Fried, scrambled, boiled and poached