Q&A With Mat Chataway - Senior Deputy Head and Vice Principal

Mat Chataway joined Kingswood last term in the role of Senior Deputy Head and Vice Principal. Here we talk about his broad and varied role, his family’s relocation from London, and how he likes to spend his free time.
In a nutshell, what does your role as Senior Deputy Head and Vice Principal entail?
Luckily for me, a bit of everything. I get to be involved in supporting Mr Gordon-Brown and the rest of the staff with every aspect of school life (pastoral, academic, co-curricular, strategic, operational). So, my days are very busy and very varied, which is perfect for me!
What other areas of school life are you involved in?
I teach a bit of History, take some assemblies, go out with the running club, support students pastorally, attend committees about all aspects of school life (foundation strategy, sustainability, academic departments, curriculum development, management of houses), work with the senior prefects. Every day tends to be different.
What attracted you to the role at Kingswood?
I thought Kingswood looked and felt like everything I believed a great experience for children should be. It seemed like a place that genuinely prized the importance of kindness and caring about each other, a place that allowed children to excel academically but understood that wider interests and passions will be a complement to and facilitator of that rather than a distraction or barrier, and a place that afforded a physical environment that would allow a child to flourish. I’m glad to say I haven’t been disappointed, and I’ve found a school exactly as it appeared to be. That brings with it a great degree of joy, both as a teacher who gets to work here and as a parent of two students at the school.
One term in, has anything surprised you about the Kingswood community?
Only that it is even more caring and generous-spirited than I could have hoped.
One term in, what do you feel are Kingswood's strengths?
The people. Any school is, ultimately, only the sum total of the people within that community. The students, parents and staff make this school what it is.
Your family relocated from London to Bath, what advice would you give to families making a similar life move?
Go for it! The only regret you’ll have is that you didn’t do it sooner. We thought so carefully and in such great detail about so many aspects of our lives, waiting until (nearly) all the stars were aligned to make it the perfect time for us to move. In retrospect, the quality of our life is so exponentially improved in so many ways that we could have made the move years ago and had no doubt whatsoever that it was the best thing for us all, and not least my two children. Every single day I consciously think how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to make this change.
Have your children settled well into Kingswood Prep?
They adore it. Everybody, adult and child, at Kingswood Prep has shown them such kindness that they have been happy from day one. They also have more space and freedom than they could ever previously have imagined possible, which is doing wonderful things for their confidence and sense of adventure. Academically, they come home every day talking about things they’ve seen, done and learned. We couldn’t have wished for more.
If you had to pick a top highlight from your first term here, what would it be?
Realising I have found myself in such a caring and fun community. You know that sometimes work will be hard or that your children are going to experience challenges, but all of that is surmountable in a community that supports each other.
Outside of school life, what are your hobbies and interests?
Whatever time is left over after school and my children, I mostly spend servicing a serious exercise habit (ideally running) and trying to find some peace and quiet to read a book.