
Boarders Enjoy Trip To The Quantocks

Boarders Enjoy Trip To The Quantocks
Senior Boarding

On Sunday, 58 boarders from Year 9 and 12 travelled to the Quantocks for a day of mental and physical team building activities.

The year groups were each split into three groups and they worked on a rotation of activities such as Wall Build, Lava Crossing, Trebuchet, Tyralean Tangle, Archery and a River Crossing.

The Year 9 groups ended their day with two inter group competitions called Escape Alcatraz and the Eggy Rocket. The latter involved building water rockets with an egg inside and firing the rocket as far as they dared without breaking the egg.

The Year 12s finished with The Wild River and Gun Run inter team competitions.

The day ended with a barbeque around the Bush Camp fire before they all returned to Kingswood.

All pupils embraced the challenges and enjoyed the day getting to know other pupils who they may not have known that well before the trip.

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Boarders Enjoy Trip To The Quantocks