Netball House Matches Sparks Friendly Competition

February 26th 2020
The week before half term saw some very competitive House Matches.
This year, the Seniors were able to field three teams per house, with over 90 girls participating.
Rosie, Maya and Eli were all shooting on fine form and were stand out players. With the results combined, they are as follows:
- 1st School House
- 2nd Fonthill
- 3rd Summerhill
In Year 10, we had an A and B competition, Sophie was creative in attack, Sienna made crucial turnovers and Phia read the game well. The joint results were as follows:
- 1st School House
- 2nd Fonthill
- 3rd Summerhill
Finally, in Year 9, the netball on show was fantastic with a number of students stepping up and showing real house spirit. Aoife, Amelie, Surichi and Millie all contributed well. The results were as follows:
- 1st Summerhill
- 2nd Fonthill
- 3rd School