Netball Club Enjoy Successful Week As 2nd VII Named Team Of The Week

Kingswood’s Netball teams enjoyed the better of the block fixture against King’s Bruton and some competitive matches with Dean Close Prep School.
All of Kingswood’s Senior sides enjoyed the better of the matches with Bruton whilst the U15 sides enjoyed good wins against well-organised teams.
The Westwood sides had closely contested games with the U13D and U12C teams recording good wins.
The 2nd team were named Team of the Week after they recorded a 27-14 win, playing some excellent all court netball despite a slow start.
Izzy controlled the game in midcourt very well whilst Ellie had a strong game in the shooting circle.
There were also three sets of House matches this week with both Westwood year groups putting out three teams, each showing the depth of talent in these year groups.
Hamilton won each of the games in the Year 7 matches.
In Year 8, Beckford defended resolutely, but Hamilton proved too strong and won those matches.
Finally, in the Year 10 matches, School House emerged victorious.
The Netball Club awarded Full Colours to Lexi in Monday’s Whole School Assembly.
Lexi is vice-captain and in her second season playing for a very successful 1st VII.
She is an outstanding defensive player commanding the circle and breaking up countless opposition attacks, and sets a terrific example in training.