Kingswood Pupils Commended At MUN Conference

On Sunday, 11 Kingswood delegates set off to Bristol Grammar School for their annual MUN conference. For many of our pupils, this was their first conference, and they showed tremendous enthusiasm and willingness to challenge themselves throughout the conference.
The pupils represented delegations from the USA, Syria and North Korea, and participated in committees facing pressing issues in the world today, such as the use of unmanned drones, human rights and nuclear disarmament.
The afternoon emergency scenario of the UN general assembly saw Kingswood's North Korean delegation held responsible for the 'accidental' strike of Japan by a nuclear weapon, with the entire assembly desperately trying to avert World War Three.
Leo was recognised as a commended delegate, as well as Elie who was awarded the gavel for outstanding delegate in the Special Committee on the Charter of the UN.
The delegates gained a lot of experience from the event which will put them in good stead for Kingswood's own MUN conference which will be held next term.