
One Term In: The Advanced Elective

One Term In: The Advanced Elective
Sixth Form

New for this academic year, our Advanced Elective programme gives Year 12 pupils the opportunity to explore ideas surrounding a subject that intrigues them. Do you want to learn ‘real life’ maths, like how income tax and mortgages work? Are you inspired by well-known entrepreneurs, have spotted a gap in the market, and are keen to develop your own product? Would you like to try your hand at poetry or script writing? Would you like to create your own miniature F1 team, from manufacturing through to testing, branding, and racing of your model car?

Each Advanced Elective involves a bespoke 10 or 20-week course crafted by our expert teachers. Mirroring higher education settings, learning takes place in a seminar-style environment with an emphasis on discussion and debate offering valuable preparation for life beyond school. It can also strengthen a student’s personal statement, by demonstrating exploration of ideas related to their prospective degree.

One Term In: Pupil Reflections

  • In Introduction to Criminology we studied interesting examples of criminality, learnt about forensic scientists and their role in crime scenes, and explored qualities that lead to criminality e.g. psychological background. A skill I honed was teamwork as we worked together to analyse and investigate a crime scene, helping each other to find tiny details. The teacher put in so much effort to make it as interesting and fun as possible while also effectively teaching different aspects of criminology. He even spent a lot of time creating a mock crime scene for us to investigate which I really enjoyed.
  • AFA taught me to constructively criticise others’ creative writing, and how to write effective flash fiction and short stories using a variety of prompts, styles, and themes. We also tried our hand at writing scripts for theatre.
  • During Art Unlocked I learnt about History of Art from architecture, and sculpture to painting. We analysed some very cool paintings and then presented a painting of our choice to the class. I acquired the skill of analysing, by thinking deeply about paintings and trying to understand them for myself.
  • In Environmental Science we learnt about how the World was made. We studied how people have protected the world in the past and how we can protect it in the future. I had to research the reintroduction of bison into Poland, which improved my independent research and skills. The course was really fun and informative.

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One Term In: The Advanced Elective