
Work Experience Week

Work Experience Week
Sixth Form Careers

This week, we welcomed back our Year 12 students from their work experience placements! Our students gained a variety of interesting experiences at a diverse range of businesses, including funeral directors, vets, dentists, and pharmacies, to name a few.

Tilly, who did her work experience in the Kingswood marketing department, visited some of her peers at their placements to gather their feedback of work experience. She spoke with Will and Kara at Mitchell Eley Gould Architects, Dami at the Estate Agents, Carter Jonas, and Sofia at Safe HR. Here is what they had to say about their experiences and their advice for other students who will be in their position next year:

"We usually have half an hour of introduction first thing in the morning. They’ll give us a task, and we work on it until lunch. I’ve enjoyed learning about all the different projects people are working on, as everyone is doing something different. It’s really interesting. I’ve found the 3D modelling software quite challenging, but everyone has been very understanding and helpful, which is great."

"My advice to students about to start their work experience is to make the most of it. Ask lots of questions, as this is a great opportunity to see if this is what you really want to do when you’re older. Get involved."

"I’ve enjoyed the work environment because everyone is welcoming and friendly. On the first day, it was a very welcoming experience, much more comfortable and friendly than I expected. A challenge for me has been how busy the day is, which shows that if I want a job in real estate, it will be very demanding, as they often work on weekends as well. My advice to students is to go in with an open mind. This week can show you whether you really want to go into this field or not—it can be an eye-opener."

"I’ve enjoyed the maturity levels here, as everyone is an adult with experience. It’s interesting to talk to them. With work experience, you don’t feel like anyone is looking down on you. Just try to absorb as much as you can because there’s a lot to take in. This has been informative for my future, helping me understand what I want to do and what I don’t. The challenge for me has been adjusting to such a long workday compared to school, where we have more breaks. The first few days were exhausting, but you get used to it and find ways to help you focus. My advice to other students is to start looking for a placement as soon as you can. As a boarder, I don’t have as many connections. I thought I’d get a place after contacting a few companies, but in reality, I had to reach out to many more. Take your time and know that it’s not easy to find a placement, especially after COVID."

Well done to all our Year 12 students for getting involved and representing the school so well. Thank you to the parents who generously hosted placements. We received lots of positive feedback from employers, with one stating that their student was "the best work experience student they had ever had."

A special thanks to Will, Kara, Dami, and Sofia for taking the time to chat with Tilly and share their experiences. Additionally, a big thank you to Tilly for her excellent work in gathering and compiling this valuable feedback.

We look forward to seeing our students continue to grow and succeed through these experiences.

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Work Experience Week