We Are Kingswood - Eugenie - Head of Careers

In this next instalment of our #WeAreKingswood series, we catch up with Eugénie Pasco - our Head of Careers and also a teacher of French and Spanish!
A bit about me
Where are you most happiest?
I’ve recently discovered cold water swimming. A group of friends and I go very early on a Sunday morning, and when the sun comes out and warms my face it’s the best feeling in the world.
What do you do to relax?
Anyone who knows me knows I love a chat and a good laugh! Being with my huge family (I have 54 first cousins!) is (usually) relaxing and great fun. I also love taking my Cockapoo puppy out for walks in our beautiful city.
If your younger self could see you now, what would they think?
She would say “Well done, you! You’ve overcome extreme shyness in social situations, you’ve managed living with a severe nut allergy, you’ve got friends and family who love you, and two wonderful children too!”
My career journey so far
In another life, what would your career have been?
I wanted to be a diplomat or an interpreter at the United Nations. I definitely need diplomacy skills in my job as a teacher and in my role as a mother, and use my languages every day too.
Life at Kingswood
How long have been at Kingswood?
Almost seven years. It’s the longest I’ve ever been in one place in my career due to moving to France in my early 30s. I came here on a short term maternity cover contract and was in the right place at the right time when the former Head of Careers retired. I applied for the job and was appointed to the role. I love it here as my colleagues are wonderful and the students are so friendly.
A bit of advice
If you could give one piece of career advice to a young person, what would it be?
Think about your values early on and whether they fit in with the role you are considering. You’ll be working for a long time, and so what you do really needs to be something which matters to you. And always aim high and persevere. If you don’t ask, you don’t get is my motto – so keep asking questions.
Just for Fun - This or That?
Tea or coffee? Tea
Phone call or text? Love a WhatsApp group!
Twitter or Facebook? Insta all the way!
Netflix or Amazon Prime? Netflix please
Physical book or Kindle? Have both, but always fall asleep reading and so the same paragraph often gets read multiple times
Music or Podcasts? Both?
Dog or cat? My cockapoo, Penny
Beach or poolside? I’ll take a North Cornwall beach any day
Big party or dinner party? After 18 months of lockdown – anything!
Run or walk? Walk (though I did once do the Bath half – and might try again before I’m 50
Pop or rock? 80s pop all the way. I’ve seen some amazing people live – Madonna, Michael Jackson, Eurythmics, the Kids from Fame…..