Year 7 Pupil Sets Up Plant Stall In Aid Of Charity

"From Monday 25 May to Friday 29 May my family decided to put a plant stall outside our house to sell all our excess plants, which were tomatoes, courgettes, dill, parsley, coriander and a couple of flowers.
As we all know, charities need lots of support right now so we thought we would do it in aid of two charities, The Genesis Trust, which helps the homeless in Bath and The British Hen Welfare Trust as we recently rescued some hens from being forced to lay eggs in farms. On the first day, everyone wanted herbs so next year we will go into growing herbs!
The second day was the best because we raised the most money that day and the other three days seemed the same.
As we ran out of plants we counted all the money, (which many people generously donated) and came to an outstanding amount of £267.08 which made us all surprised but very happy.
I really enjoyed manning the stall everyday for five days talking to people in the village as well as strangers who stopped by to look or buy something. It really boosted my confidence to talk or speak up to people."
- Ryan, Year 7 pupil