
Year 10 Student Impresses In Young Musician Of The Year Concert

Year 10 Student Impresses In Young Musician Of The Year Concert
Senior Music

Last Tuesday evening, Sonia in Year 10 was invited to compete in the prestigious Bath Young Musician of the Year concert.

Back in March, Sonia placed in the harp competition held at Wells Cathedral School as part of the Mid Somerset Festival, achieving an Outstanding grade and impressing the adjudicator with her communication of the music.

Along with Sonia, the line-up also included a pianist, bassoonist, horn player and singer.

Each performer had prepared a 15 minute programme that showcased their ability, Sonia played Prokofiev’s Prelude in C and Hasselmans’ Valse de Concert.

The adjudicators commented on the expressive qualities of Sonia’s playing and the promise she shows as a musician.

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Year 10 Student Impresses In Young Musician Of The Year Concert