Year 8 Pupils Attend STEM Challenge Day At Bath University

Eight Year 8 pupils travelled to Bath University on Wednesday 26 June to attend a regional STEM Challenge Day which was organised and sponsored by The Royal Academy of Engineering.
Seven schools attended the event was primarily run by Kingswood’s Head of Design & Technology, Mr Brown.
The day consisted of a tour around the Engineering faculty, looking at the amazing machines the students get to used when making their various projects.
The group looked at the projects the students are tackling, including their ‘Formula Student’ race team, a take on Formula One where the students have a budget of £250,000 to build their own race car.
Pupils also saw the autonomous drones that fly themselves that were built by the drone club.
Finally, they saw the eco car project in which they aim to design a vehicle that will travel over 3000 miles on one gallon of fuel.
Students then competed with other schools to produce a marble run that lasted exactly 20 seconds, and if possible, return the marble back to the top again.
Kingswood won an award for the most effective and creative mechanism to return the marble to the top of the run which they should be very proud of.
The day was enjoyed by all and the pupils were great company.
Particular congratulations go to the Kingswood team consisting of Marco, Oscar, Lucia and Grace who won an award for the best returning mechanism on their marble run.