Westwood Boarders Participate In Beach Clean In Porthcawl

On Sunday, under an azure sky, Westwood boarders travelled to Porthcawl in Wales for a beach clean.
Armed with pickers, plastic bags and gloves, the group spent 90 minutes cleaning the beach with the most common items retrieved being plastic bottles, bottle tops, cans and strips of plastic.
The group filled about four big black bags and the biggest item that the group removed was a tyre.
The pupils and staff also enjoyed fish and chips before games of baseball, football and touch rugby took place on the beach.
The pupils really engaged with the activity and felt pleased to have taken action to protect the waters and marine life.
Mr Duke, Westwood Boarding Housemaster, has thanked Mr Musgrove for organising the trip, and the excellent support from Mr Amner, Mrs Patterson, Mrs Duke, Mr Brown, and his son and dog!