Autumnal Adventures In The Garden

The Garden has been a flurry of activity and creativity over the last few weeks.
Whilst the rest of the school were on half term, the children and staff in the Nursery have loved having KPS to themselves. The Nursery have made the most of every opportunity to visit the Adventure playground, Jungle gym, the Secret Garden and the Association Hall.
Days were filled with so many new learning experiences and opportunities; with messy play and art activities to enjoy and inspire. The children made their own rockets, painted their own pictures of fireworks and created their own poppies before painting these for Remembrance Day.
Popular activities include playing in the home corner along with construction and balance activities. Amongst all the busyness, Storytime is an important part of the day and the children love sharing stories with each other and their teachers as well as finding a quiet five minutes to read a story on their own in a cosy corner of the room.
Time spent outside is still a highlight and Forest School is a firm favourite. The adventure starts as soon as the children put on their waterproofs and wellies with much puddle splashing and stomping as they take a walk down to base camp - usually accompanied by delighted giggles and singing.