We Are Kingswood - Rebecca - Head of Science

As September slowly edges closer, we caught up with Rebecca Torrance Jenkins, incoming Head of Science at Kingswood Prep School...
Why do you love teaching?
Because children are the best to spend the day with! Full of brilliant questions, bags of enthusiasm and energy, children's minds are full of endless possibility. And when you add scientific knowledge into the mix, they begin to see the world in a really exciting way...
Tell us about your hobbies...
Paddle-boarding, being outdoors in the hills or woods or river, exploring and cooking over campfires with the children and our dog. And then cosying up indoors to cook yummy food, play the piano and read a great book.
If you couldn't be a teacher, what would you be?
I would work as an anthropologist in the field, studying how different human societies and cultures function. We in the West are in a minority - there is a great deal we could, and should, learn from the Yanomami, the Torres Strait Islanders and the Minangkabau.
A few quick-fire questions...
Favourite food? A full-blown Ottolenghi roast with my family
Favourite children's book? A tie between Oh the Places You'll Go (Dr Seuss) and Matilda (Roald Dahl)
Little Mix or Take That? Take That - I was a fan as a schoolgirl the first time round.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee. (And the more bean-grinding mild-frothing palaver, the greater the treat!)
Finally, what are you most looking forward to about joining KPS?
Getting to know the children and spending lots of time investigating things, exploring the woods and fields.