
We Are Kingswood - Alexia - Former Pupil

We Are Kingswood - Alexia - Former Pupil
Senior Kingswood Association

Kingswood gave me the confidence and self-belief to be capable of working through whatever life may bring.

Former pupil Alexia Pedersen is the next person to feature in our #WeAreKingswood Q&A series. Alexia was a pupil at Kingswood from 13 years old until the age of 18 and today she is the Vice President Sales EMEA at O'Reilly Media.

Life at Kingswood

How would you describe Kingswood School to family and friends?

Kingswood is my home and my friends are my family. I absolutely loved my years at Kingswood and really appreciate all it gave me, it made me the person I am today. I think an important attribute is to be a capable individual and Kingswood taught me this. It gave me the confidence and self-belief to be capable of working through whatever life may bring.

How would you describe being part of the Kingswood Community?

A strong sense of belonging within a caring and nurturing environment where you can make wonderful friends with incredible opportunities, supported by the most brilliant staff. I really valued the amount of sport we were able to take part in and that remains a strong part of who I am today. I consider my Kingswood friends to be like family. We still cherish the time we spend together.

How long had you been at Kingswood?

I joined Priors Court as a day pupil in Berkshire and at 13 I desperately wanted to become a boarder in Bath. Fortunately I was given that opportunity to move to Kingswood at 13 through to 18. The Prep School Priors Court is now at Kingswood.

A bit about me

What do you do to relax?

Holidays, Running, Reading, and spending time with family and friends.

My career journey so far

What was your earliest ambition?

When I was at Kingswood School my ambition was to join a graduate intake program for a large corporation. After graduating I joined Xerox where they offered a comprehensive program with lots of training covering sales and marketing.

What is your greatest achievement so far?

Becoming the Vice President Sales EMEA at O'Reilly Media.

A bit of advice

If you could give one piece of life advice to a young person, what would it be?

Take the opportunities that come your way.


Just for Fun - This or That?

Tea or coffee? Coffee

Phone call or text? Text

Twitter or Facebook? Strava!

Netflix or Amazon Prime? Netflix

Physical book or Kindle? Both

Music or Podcasts? Music

Dog or cat? Cat

Beach or poolside? Pool

Big party or dinner party? Both!

Run or walk? Run

Pop or rock? Pop

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We Are Kingswood - Alexia - Former Pupil