Simon Morris Discusses The Issues Raised By The #BlackLivesMatter Movement

Simon Morris, Headmaster and Principal of the Kingswood Foundation discusses the issues raised by the #BlackLivesMatter movement
"I am sure that all members of our community will have been reflecting on their personal response to the tragic death of George Floyd, but I felt it important that all those connected with Kingswood were also aware of the how the School as a whole is seeking to respond.
We seek to be a diverse and inclusive community which recognises its responsibility for educating our students and supporting them in their response to such a very important issue. In recent days we have been discussing the issues raised by the #BlackLivesMatter movement with students through assemblies, tutorials, PSHCE lessons and cultural discussion groups, as well as seeking to offer appropriate support to individual students. In educating today’s young people, we are of course educating the adults and decision makers of tomorrow, and it is vitally important that we play our role in equipping them with the knowledge and skills to address injustice wherever it exists.
But we recognise that we need to do much more. We believe that we have a specific responsibility for providing ongoing anti-racism education and for actively developing transparent strategies to ensure that the approaches outlined in our related school policies are monitored carefully and are genuinely effective in the everyday life of the School.
We will continue to address the issues raised in these forums, but we will also significantly enhance the work we have been doing on reviewing curriculum and co-curriculum content across the School. We also recognise the need for further unconscious bias training for both staff and students.
We are clear of the important role our school can play in overcoming prejudice of all kinds and wish to continue to listen to and work with all members of our special community. By working together, we believe we can bring about positive change."
Simon Morris