
Sixth Form Charity Dinner Raises over £500

Sixth Form Charity Dinner Raises over £500
Sixth Form Charity

Last Friday evening, 150 Sixth Form students and 18 staff members gathered for the Sixth Form Charity Meal.

This year the supported charities were Cancer Research, Riding for the Disabled Association and the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust.

Talks were delivered throughout the evening about what each charity does and why we supported them.

Guests were also treated to performances of “Orange Coloured Sky” by Meg and “That’s Life” By Alix, accompanied excellently by Johnny, as well as a piano duet from Mai and Arthur.

The evening culminated in a raffle raising over £500!

Special thanks goes to Alix who did so much work behind the scenes in preparation for the event but also to the catering staff, the Year 10 and 11 helpers and the supervising teaching staff.

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Sixth Form Charity Dinner Raises over £500