Students Participate In Tennis Training Weekend In Basingstoke

Feeling energised from the House Cross Country, 17 girls from Years 11-Upper Sixth headed to Basingstoke for a short, intensive tennis training weekend.
After having done six weeks of lunch time training last term focusing on technique, the aim of the weekend was to develop a stager further, honing a more competitive edge.
The first day saw five hours of repetitive hitting and adjusting technique where necessary, and the focus was on footwork and getting a feel for playing the correct shot with the right amount of pace.
There were many drills and competitive games, and the girls really enjoyed the session.
The next day saw four hours of strategy play and key to any sport, an emphasis on communication.
Miss Wright has thanked Mrs Andell for accompanying the trip.
The girls were excellent company throughout and the coaches were really impressed with the girls’ work ethic and determination, and it was very clear to see huge improvements made over the short term.