Students Give Micro-Presentations At Fourth Wesley Society Event

Last Tuesday, the Wesley Society met for their fourth event of the year, an evening that comprised Lower Sixth scholars giving micro-presentations on subjects that they are passionate about.
Johnny opened proceedings with a very involved and thought-provoking talk about the Black Death and its societal and economic repercussions before Henry M talked knowledgeably about some exciting applications of electrolysis in the fields of alternative fuels.
The audience then saw the first of two talks about Artificial Intelligence, Tosin taking the floor on this occasion.
She spoke eloquently about current uses of AI as well as their potential associated dangers.
The second of the two talks in this field took a slightly different path, as Anish framed AI as their utopian or cataclysmic; certainly much for the audience to ponder.
Bridie talked expertly about bearded dragons, before Henry T went on to give a stellar presentation about black holes.
The final talk of the evening saw Davida giving a speech about Race Politics, exemplifying in particular the case of American actor Jussie Smollett.
It was a super event and much credit should be given to the seven students who will have undoubtedly gained confidence from their performance.