Kingswood Prep Pupils Learn About E-Safety

Last week, Years 3 - 6 learnt about how to stay safe online with Alan, a Consultant from South West Grid for Learning.
With the help of Kara the Internet Space Pirate and her crew, the pupils navigated the seas of the World Wide Web.
The session for Year 5 and 6 focused on the pros and cons of the internet and how to use it responsibly.
The children felt the internet was fun, great for research, and useful for connecting with friends.
They were also aware that the internet could have scams, hacking and that cyber bullying can occur online.
‘Banter’ was discussed and the children talked about having fun without making fun of others remotely.
This was illustrated brilliantly by a virtual gaming video where the children could hear a group of 10 year olds chatting to other.
Alan also discussed how unhealthy it was to play online for hours and how it was so important to set a time limit.
Too much gaming and online activity can make people angry and frustrated and can have an unhealthy effect on mental wellbeing.
His top tip? Leave electronics alone for at least one hour before bed.
Lots of children said that their time on electronic devices is being monitored and limited at home. They respected this decision and felt it was fair.
The children had some very positive things to say about what they had learned:
“Keep SMART and never stop!”
“Stay safe online”
“You can always ask a grown up if someone if there’s cyber bullying”
“It teaches you to do the right thing when you’re online”
“Every problem has a solution”