Kingswood Students Discuss And Debate Current Affairs At OxfordMUN International Conference

Over two weekends in November, 10 Kingswood students took part in the 2020 OxfordMUN International Conference, organised by Oxford University. This conference is the largest in the UK and brings together students from over 100 different countries to discuss and debate a range of important current affairs issues; from world trade, refugee freedoms and cyberspace security to mental health and women’s rights.
Kingswood represented the delegations of Afghanistan, Denmark and Argentina in a range of committees such as the World Health Organisation, with each student independently researching their country’s position beforehand in order to prepare for the conference.
This year, the conference was held digitally, but this did not detract from the high quality of discussion and debate. This conference continues to attract some of the most able students from across the world and Kingswood’s delegates rose to the occasion once again to take active roles in debates and helping to pass resolutions. Well done to Rose, Mime, Julian, Karina, Henri, Polina, Theo, Hiroki, James and Jacob for their engagement and commitment to MUN.