The Great, The Bold And The Brave With Year 5

Year 5 have been studying the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings as part of The Great, The Bold and The Brave topic.
Take a look at the fantastic Viking fact sheets below by Rose and Abi, which were part of a research project. Freya also made her very own longboat at home, complete with seats inside.

During English lessons, the children have been studying the ancient Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf. Using persuasive language and the subjunctive, children wrote letters to Hrothgar (King of the Danes) to give advice on what could be done about the evil Grendel. Enjoy reading extracts from Oscar and Finn’s letters.
Lord Hrothgar,
I suggest that you get help from your many allies, build a wall and evacuate Grendel’s hunting grounds. If you were to combine your forces with your allies, together you can defeat Grendel and push him out of the Danish kingdom and let him freeze to death in Russia. If he survives, your armies can slaughter him or drive him into the opposing kingdoms and use him as a weapon.
Yours Oscar (Head Royal Advisor)
Dear Hrothgar,
I strongly urge you to get help from the surrounding kingdoms. I suggest your troops surround Grendel and if that doesn’t work, then it is essential that you leave the kingdom at once. If Grendel follows, you must ready your troops at once.
Yours faithfully,