Kingswood Hosts Virtual Q&A With Right Hon. Jacob Rees-Mogg

Last Friday, we were delighted to welcome the Right Hon. Jacob Rees-Mogg MP to Kingswood for an online Question and Answer session.
Whilst we would have preferred to have been able to host him in person, MS Teams once again proved its worth as we were able to explore a range of issues raised by pupils and parents in advance of the event.
Climate change, the work of an MP, the Black Lives Matter movement and Brexit were just a few of the topics that came under the spotlight, as well as the Government’s response to the pandemic.
Mr Rees-Mogg was happy to tackle each and every question, and offered some particularly interesting insights into the factors that shape his political outlook.
Only the final question proved a step too far, as he was unable to decide between the relative merits of Bake Off and Strictly!
Thanks to Mr Rees-Mogg for giving up his time, and to Mr Allchorne for taking the initiative and organising such an interesting and thought-provoking evening.
We look forward to hosting a similar event with Bath’s MP Wera Hobhouse in early December.
"The evening was very enjoyable and Mr Rees-Mogg proved again how brilliant a speaker he really is. He is someone who holds different and arguably contentious views, but it is always interesting to listen to someone who holds alternative opinions to one’s own. He defended and explained his beliefs logically and came across very well." - Sixth Form student, Rob