Prep Football Teams Enjoy Exciting End Of Term Fixtures

Pupils from Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic run of fixtures last week as they tried their hands at a different to sport to what they are used to.
The ‘beautiful game’ was the focus for the pupil’s Monday afternoon fixtures, as Paragon and King Edward’s Junior School joined Kingswood for some football matches on the Upper Playing Fields.
The onus was on the children to try and put what they had learned from the hockey pitch into practice on the football pitch – minus the stick of course!
The pupils showed a brilliant ability to move into space, as well as closing down opposition players and making tackles.
Mr Ward was particularly impressed with how the children recognised when they should stop and move the ball in certain areas of the pitch.
The boys and girls performed well on the day and tried their hardest in what were difficult conditions.
Well done to all the pupils who took part in a wonderful afternoon of football.