Spring Art Competition

We have had a wonderful range of entries for our recent art competition inspired by ‘Colourful Animals’. Our school bursar has commissioned three of our Year 6 art monitors to paint a wall-sized canvas featuring some of our winners’ designs. The display has brightened up our main hall and we are about to start work on the final canvas.
“ It was an honour to be the judges of the competition as we had a big responsibility.” Daisy, Year 6
“ It was a very hard decision to choose the winners because they were all so amazingly awesome!” Charlotte, Year 6
“ I’ve been lucky to judge the competition and we are really looking forward to designing and painting the final canvas.” Olivia, Year 6
The winners were announced in last week’s Golden Book assembly and are as follows-
Featuring on the final canvas for the Bursar’s office and £5 Hobbycraft voucher-
Trees and Landscape from Hector’s picture 1PV
Hare from Sophia’s picture RH
Butterfly from Amelie’s picture 3LH
Owl from Jack’s picture 6MM
Fish from Ollie’s picture 5MG
Bird from Alma’s picture 6SG
Special Mention and £5 Hobbycraft prize for-
Barnaby 4DM
Charlie 6MM
Special Mention, certificate and planned mosaic for Swimming Pool in 2019-
Ellie 5H
Amy 6MM
Runner’s up with certificates and 2 housepoints-
Jasper 3SH
Alfie 2G
Henry 5H