Kingswood And Midas Celebrate Topping Out Of New Build

Yesterday afternoon, representatives from Kingswood School and Midas gathered to celebrate the Topping Out of the new development at Kingswood Prep School.
The development, which comprises of a new Nursery called The Garden At Kingswood, new classrooms for current pupils, a new hall and new spaces for music, drama, art and innovation, has progressed swiftly since construction began in August.
The Principal of the Kingswood Foundation, Simon Morris, and Chair of the Board of Governors, Tim Westbrook, scaled a ladder to the top of the building which will be occupied by The Garden when construction concludes in June to hammer a nail into the roof.
The congregation included representatives from Bath and North East Somerset Council, the architects behind the design of the development, as well as current and former pupils.
Simon Morris then read a hymn, the same hymn read by John Wesley when he opened Kingswood School more than 270 years ago.
Simon Morris added: "I am delighted that this wonderful new development has progressed so well and will be open for the new school year in September. The first-rate facilities will, I have no doubt, inspire the children to ever higher achievements in their learning."
Andy Blake, Project Manager for Midas, commented: "It is great for all involved to see the new buildings taking shape so quickly and the way in which they will fit so well into the existing school setting.
"The Considerate Construction rating of 'Exceptional' across all five criteria which we have recently received for the Kingswood project is the highest we've ever received on a site and reflects the excellent working relationship we have with the School and Midas's wider commitment to industry-leading customer service and close co-operation with the communities we are working in."
The Garden will be open in September for 50 weeks of the year for children as young as nine months and registration is underway. For more information, click here or contact Denise Seward via 01225 734460 or email [email protected].