
Kingswood To Welcome The Fradley Trio To The Prep School

Kingswood To Welcome The Fradley Trio To The Prep School
Prep Music

On Tuesday 18 June, Kingswood Prep School will welcome a very special trio of musicians for an exciting day of performances, talks and workshops.

One member, Katja, attended Kingswood from Nursery through to the Upper Sixth and started learning the cello in Reception.

She is now a professional cellist and, alongside fellow members George on piano and Sam on violin, they form The Fradley Trio.

All children from Reception to Year 6, and some Senior School pupils, will spend time with the Trio learning all about instruments, making music together, and performing.

In the evening, the Fradley Trio will be performing a concert for the pupils and staff in the Association Hall.

Kingswood Prep School will welcome all parents and teachers from the Kingswood community to join them in an evening of exciting and inspiring music for all ages.

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Kingswood To Welcome The Fradley Trio To The Prep School