
Our Prep School

The key to successful schools is filling the classrooms with world-class teachers who are positive, inspirational role models for our children. Our wonderful staff fulfil this role every day, making use of our wonderful facilities, from our state of the art STEAM rooms, Music School with access to our Association Hall for performances and our recently refurbished Drama Studio. Our classroom space is complimented by the Secret Garden, our Outdoor Education area, used by children in the Nursery to Year 2, as well as the wider school site with playing fields, adventure playgrounds and access to the Senior School facilities. Hear from Emmy & Alex about life at Kingswood Prep School:

The Music and Creative Arts department have access to a space in Summerhill, the Drama studio and the Association Hall for concerts and performances. The Hall can be used by our Sports and PE departments during the wet weather. We are also fortunate that our Art and Innovation area includes an adaptable space for Science, Design, Robotics, Programming, Technology and Engineering pursuits. 

Classrooms for the Pre-Prep and Prep are spread across the site, with break out areas and access to the outside. Our Reception is housed in a stand-alone building, closely connected to the Nursery to help the transition of our youngest pupils and this facility will provide the best start for our youngest children as they begin their educational journey.

These are exciting times for the School. These children will grow up and work in an employment landscape that is new and different, so equipping them with the skills to thrive and flourish is our responsibility. At KPS, we are determined to cultivate the key skills that will set them apart from others.

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